Rabu, 19 Maret 2014

The Greatest Island of Raja Ampat

Diposting oleh Rika Febriyanti di 06.56
Let the roads to the islands of Raja Ampat
Attention Please…..
My name is Rika Febriyanti, I was your tour guide for today. I would invite you to visit the most exotic places in Papua's wonderful that Raja Ampat, before we visit Raja Ampat we should know in advance what is the place that.
Raja Ampat.
Lets Go…..

Raja Ampat………..
Raja Ampat is a beach located on the coast of Papua. Raja Ampat was visited by many foreign tourists and domestic because of the beautiful underwater nature, so many tourists who come here. The natural beauty of Raja Ampat is not just in the water, but it has been known as an ecosystem residence of 75% of fish species that exist in the world and the beauty of the landscape which form islands Kars / Limestone is very beautiful and will not be found anywhere.
Raja Ampat Islands is still very healthy away from the big city pollution. Fishermen who are around Raja Ampat utilize to take fish in the traditional way so they will not spoil the beauty of the underwater, not many luxury facilities in Raja Ampat because that's why, it makes different to the other tourist places.
Here is a paradise for foreign tourists to diving and snorkeling just because of the beauty of the underwater.

Quite probably the first description of the Raja Ampat from me, for the rest I'll explain when we get to Raja Ampat. Thank You

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